We host a variety of events that engage and empower young people.

The Ayr Ark is a charity run youth project situated down by the Citadel in Ayr. We seek to engage with young people through events, outreach and schools work to equip young people with relevant skills and training to empower them to reach for a more positive future.
Our goal is to provide a safe alternative to the many peer pressures that young people are faced with. The Ark is open every Friday as a youth drop in centre for 11-18 year olds. This is a safe place for young people to come to where they can have fun with their friends, listen to good music and play games.
We are invested in reaching neurodiverse young people through our Empower Autism group every Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. This is aimed at young people who are seeking a quiet and sensory friendly space to interact with like minded people aged 11-18yrs.
Our School Mentoring programme is always expanding and adapting with our involvement in our 5 local secondary schools. We currently mentor 40 young people and have a waiting list. Our staff are trained to deliver one to one mentoring and Dynamic Award Workshops to help support young people.
This year we launched our Ayr Ark Crafters. A space for young people to come and have fun with friends while getting creative through crafts.
Please explore our website to find out a bit more about what we do and contact us if you have any questions or queries.

The Ark provides a mentoring programme in partnership with local secondary schools, supporting young people whose personal circumstances are significantly affecting their education, mental health or wellbeing. We are currently mentoring pupils across 5 schools and we have a waiting list. The programme provides one-to-one support tailored to the individual needs of each young person. Our mentors are staff who work within The Ayr Ark and as such can provide a direct positive influence to the young people from out-with their circle of friends and family, with our mentors not having the pressures of supporting many other pupils unlike their class teachers in the school environment.

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The Ayr Ark,
Ayr Grammar Community Wing
Fort St,
Monday: 9.30am till 16:00pm
Tuesday: 9.30am till 16:00pm
Wednesday: 9.30am till 16:00pm
Thursday: 9.30am till 17:00pm
Friday: 15:30pm till 21:00pm
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: CLOSED
*Please note there may be times the office is unmanned, please contact us by email admin@ayrark.co.uk if enquiry is urgent